
What I have been doing lately...

Well, it's been a while since I have last posted and I've decided to give y'all an update on what I have been doing.

#1:  I have been writing.  Yes, writing.  And I'm determined to finish my novel THIS NOVEMBER, people!  So if I don't, badger me, pester me, and remind me of all the promises I broke by not completing it.  The novel I'm working on is The Lightcatcher and you can read it on my figment page.

#2:  To tie into above, I have decided to do NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) this November because, you know, I need to finish The Lightcatcher.  If you're doing it too, add me as a buddy on the NaNoWriMo website!  A link to my profile is in the sidebar.

#3:  School.  I'm applying for colleges and procrastinating and flailing around in my college biology class.  'Nuff said about that subject.

#4:  Did I mention I'm procrastinating?

#5:  Currently reading A Countess Below Stairs (thank you October Skye for hounding me to read it).

#6:  Sorting through ideas of self-publishing, but y'all already knew that.

#7:  Editing papers.

#8:  Procrastinating.

#9:  Thoroughly engrossed in Lydia Albano's novel Finding You, October Skye's novel Lady of the Lake, and Anande Sjoden's novel The Wreck of the Clarion.  I highly suggest reading them.

#10:  Oh, and I'm also procrastinating.

So there you are.  Now you know what I've been up to.



  1. Hi! I just found your blog from your NaNo profile and let me just say I think I'm going to be coming back here often in the future. :)

    1. Hello! I'm so glad you're enjoying it! It's just a bunch of random obsessions that I like to call a blog :)

      I'm so glad you found me!

  2. Hahahahaha We need shirts that say, "Hi, at this momentI'm procrastinating."

    1. Oh, totally! We should MAKE SOME!!!!

    2. I'll have a design by tomorrow, or the day after...

    3. Yay!!! Haha, I need one of those shirts.

  3. Procrastinating? Shame on you! You should do as I do and get everything done a week before it's due ;P

    1. Amny getting things done a week early??? Somebody grab the camera!! :P
